Yoga is another way to improve the health of yoga players. Helps relieve back pain. And ready to relax from the stress. For those who like to exercise lightweight. Do not use force. And exercise is easy to do without the need for additional accessories.
Exercise 1 Relax The Neck Muscles.
The time we sit on the computer or sitting on the phone. Continuous exposure will cause fatigue and neck pain. Recommend this act. It will stretch the neck muscles and relax the shoulder muscles as well.
> From the back seat. Use your right hand to lay your head on the back and gently put it over your left ear. Hold for about 10-20 seconds, while holding hands do not hold the breath, but to breathe deeply. Then switch to the same way with the left hand and right ear. Then switch back to the right hand in the same way. By doing 5 times each side will help to relax the neck muscles.
Exercise 2 Stretching
Working seat For long periods of time, bending the elbows may cause pain in the arm. Try this method. It will help you relax. Reduce fatigue from the arm for a long time.

> Mix both fingers together and twist the wrist to the back of the hand. Then stretch the arm up to the end of the arm. To stretch the arm muscles. Looking up at the top. To change the motion Hold for about 10-20 seconds, while stretching your hand, hold your breath, but breathe deeply. Then lower the level of the hand to the eye level gradually. Hand out each other and spread both hands to the side of the body. (Look like arm outstretched) with breathing - out 5 times
Exercise 3 Open Shoulder
Because of the sitting of some people will look like a shoulder wrap for a long time. Makes it easy to feel the tea and fatigue. Try adjusting the steps. To relieve fatigue with open shoulder to see it.

> Sit straight and back straight Cross your back with both hands on the backrest. Then coordinate the two hands together. With arms stretched to feel tight. By breathing in and out slowly. Leave it for about 1 minute or repeat until relaxed. To help reduce the fatigue of the shoulder.
Exercise 4 Wrist Fatigue
Hand and wrist are important. It is quite hard to work. Whether it is printing, writing work, making it feel like fatigue or pain. It may be that I do not have that power. Try this method. To reduce the fatigue of the wrist is incredible.
> Arms out to the front. Then upside down Then use the other hand, gradually bending in the manner of pressing down on the palm of the hand that extends gently. Hold left for a moment Then switch to do the same. 4 yoga poses for young office workers It takes several hours to work. Management of body parts. The neck muscles, arms and arms, shoulders to reduce fatigue. However, changing the periodic table, such as getting up, walking, moving, and sitting in the right way, it can help reduce fatigue or muscle pain while sitting as well. Do not worry about Office Syndrome anymore. source: goodlifeupdate